


学生帐户退款是退还学生帐户贷方余额. A 学生账户 credit balance exists when 支付ments made on the 学生账户 exceeds charges on the account.

A credit balance that results from financial aid 支付ments 将 be deposited into a U.S. financial institution checking or savings account of the student's choice (not available for Parent PLUS refunds). It is not required to open an account with any specific financial institution in order to receive a refund. Please note that an active primary address must also be on file for any refund to be generated.

Parent PLUS refunds made to parents are only available in the form of a paper check mailed to the parent. 家长可以授权学校, 在家长PLUS贷款申请过程中, 将多余的PLUS资金退还给学生. 一旦申请被提交, parents can 授权 the Parent PLUS refund be issued to the student by emailing the 财政援助和奖学金办公室 at (电子邮件保护).

Any 学生账户 credit balance that results from a debit or credit card 支付ment 将 be refunded back to the original card. 看到 退还网上借记卡或信用卡付款 以下是有关限制的更多信息.

退款 of international 支付ments sent via flywire 将 be refunded back through flywire. 看到 通过flywire支付的国际付款退款 以下是更多信息.

所有其他退款将存入美国银行.S. financial institution checking or savings account of the student's choice (not available for Parent PLUS refunds).

报名参加 应付账款直接存款 有关经济援助退款和个人付款退款,请访问 直接存款 网页.

没有银行账户? Most banks 将 allow you to open a bank account without a social security number (SSN) or Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN). 您将需要您的驾驶执照/州身份证进行身份证明. 如果你是国际学生, 你需要你的护照和政府签发的国际文件, 比如I-20, DS-2019, 或其他类似文件.


Student account refund activity is posted onto the 学生账户 daily with the direct deposit generated on Thursday. Students 将 generally receive their direct deposit refund 5 to 7 business days from the date the refund shows as processed on the 学生账户.


When the amount of financial aid paid to a 学生账户 exceeds allowable charges, 助学金发放后的14天内,退款将发给学生. If your refund consists of loans, it may be wise to consider reducing or canceling your loans.

允许收费是指允许由财政援助支付的费用. The type of charges that can be paid by financial aid varies by the type of financial aid. 选择贷款, outside resources and institutional aid can be used to 支付 all charges on a 学生账户. 联邦, State and athletic aid can only be used to 支付 tuition and University 住房 room and board unless 授权d by the student (see “我的助学金可以支付哪些费用??").


联邦,州和体育财政援助不能用于支付所有费用. 你可能会收到退款,但你的学生账户上仍然有余额. 一些费用可以由经济援助支付,如果你提供 授权. 其他费用根本不能由财政援助支付. It is your responsibility to know which charges must be paid out-of-pocket 在付款截止日期之前 in order to avoid cancellation (dropping) of your classes and housing (if applicable).

  • 金融援助 支付 tuition and on-campus housing charges assessed for prior semesters within the current year; and up to $200 of tuition and on-campus housing charges still due from a prior year.
  • 联邦,州和体育财政援助 不能 支付滞纳金, 付款计划处理费, 退回款项的收费, 违约费用, 或者上一年的费用超过200美元. 金融援助 不能 支付 不记入学生账户的费用(如图书馆罚款), 停车罚款, 校外住房, 等.).
  • 你可以 授权 financial aid (excluding Parent PLUS Loans) to also 支付 other miscellaneous charges posted to your 学生账户 for the current year (such as 葛培理健康中心 and Counseling Center charges, 能力考试, 更换学生证, 平衡由于援助调整, 等.); and up to $200 of miscellaneous charges owed from a prior year.
  • 财政援助将始终首先适用于当年的费用. 如果存在额外的经济援助,那么将支付上一年的费用(最高200美元)。. If there are current year charges that occur after the 授权 has applied to prior year charges, the financial aid 将 be applied back to the current year charges which could then result in unpaid prior year charges.
  • 金融援助 授权s 将 take effect on the date that the 授权 is received and remains in effect until the 授权 is rescinded or you are no longer enrolled at the university. Changes to your 授权 status 将 take effect on the date it is received and 将 not be retroactive.

如果退款是在帐户上有未付费用的情况下发出的, 该账户将被冻结以防止文凭的发放, 登记, 或者其他记录. 如果在助学金退还后帐户上发生任何费用, it is the student's responsibility to 支付 the additional charges by the next 支付ment due date.

付款计划分期付款、超额付款、放弃课程等. 退款

信贷结余 分期付款计划 发放前作出的财政援助和信贷余额所产生的 多付学费,退课等等. 之后会进行处理吗 100%学费退还日期. It could take several weeks after the 100%学费退还日期 to process your refund.

  • 网上借记卡或信用卡付款退款: If a 支付ment was made on a 学生账户 by debit or credit card within 1 year of the refund date, 退款将发给原卡. The convenience charge assessed at the time 支付ment was made is not refundable under any circumstance as it was charged by a third party processor. 1年以上的信用卡付款退款将以直接存款方式发出. It can take the credit card company up to 3 weeks to complete their part of the refund process.
  • 通过flywire支付的国际付款退款:如果付款是通过学生账户支付的 flywire,退款将退回至 flywire 款项将在何处退还给付款人/帐户.
  • 退还支票/ACH/eBill电子支票(网上支票/储蓄)付款: If a 支付ment is made on a 学生账户 by check, the refund 将 be issued by direct deposit. Students must keep in mind that we 将 not refund 支付ments made by check until 21 days after the 支付ment has posted to their 学生账户.

查看 学费及退款政策 for information regarding refunds due as a result of dropping or withdrawing from courses.

  • 退款 resulting from third-party or personal 支付ments 将 not be processed until after the 100%学费退还日期 (after May 17, 2024). It could take several weeks after the 100%学费退还日期 to process your refund.
  • 如果你的经济援助不能支付你的费用, 你不能在付款到期日(4月15日)前付清欠款, 2024), 你可以报名参加 付款计划 在付款截止日期之前.
  • You 将 receive a financial aid refund as long as your financial aid has paid to your 学生账户 而且超出了你的收费. 去“了解财政援助付款以确定何时经济援助将支付到你的账户.
    • Parent PLUS refunds made to parents are only available in the form of a paper check mailed to the parent. Parent PLUS refunds can be issued to the student if a parent 授权s the university to do so 在家长PLUS贷款申请过程中. 一旦申请被提交, parents can 授权 the Parent PLUS refund be issued to the student by emailing the 财政援助和奖学金办公室 at (电子邮件保护).
  • 退款 resulting from third-party or personal 支付ments 将 not be processed until after the 100%学费退还日期 (after September 17, 2024). It could take several weeks after the 100%学费退还日期 to process your refund.
  • 如果你的经济援助不能支付你的费用, 你不能在付款到期日(8月15日)前付清欠款, 2024), 你可以报名参加 付款计划 在付款截止日期之前.
  • You 将 receive a financial aid refund as long as your financial aid has paid to your 学生账户 而且超出了你的收费. 去“了解财政援助付款以确定何时经济援助将支付到你的账户.
    • Parent PLUS refunds made to parents are only available in the form of a paper check mailed to the parent. Parent PLUS refunds can be issued to the student if a parent 授权s the university to do so 在家长PLUS贷款申请过程中. 一旦申请被提交, parents can 授权 the Parent PLUS refund be issued to the student by emailing the 财政援助和奖学金办公室 at (电子邮件保护).
  • 退款 resulting from third-party or personal 支付ments 将 not be processed until after the 100%学费退还日期 (after January 17, 2025). It could take several weeks after the 100%学费退还日期 to process your refund.
  • 如果你的经济援助不能支付你的费用, 你不能在付款到期日(12月15日)前付清欠款, 2024), 你可以报名参加 付款计划 在付款截止日期之前.
  • You 将 receive a financial aid refund as long as your financial aid has paid to your 学生账户 而且超出了你的收费. 去“了解财政援助付款以确定何时经济援助将支付到你的账户.
    • Parent PLUS refunds made to parents are only available in the form of a paper check mailed to the parent. Parent PLUS refunds can be issued to the student if a parent 授权s the university to do so 在家长PLUS贷款申请过程中. 一旦申请被提交, parents can 授权 the Parent PLUS refund be issued to the student by emailing the 财政援助和奖学金办公室 at (电子邮件保护).


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